Mountain Hollow Crystals

Trust Your Magical Self-How to be super physic, extra intuitive, and love your sensitive soul


Trust Your Magical Self: How to be Super Psychic, Extra Intuitive, and Love Your Sensitive Soul will guide you on a journey inward to explore the depths of your psychic realms and intuition. Through stories, illustrations, and a modern take on ancient wisdom, you’ll find daily exercises, helpful tips, and 13 Energy Tools that will lead you through the experience of working with your own subtle energy field.

From writing letters to your guides to doodling future timelines, you’ll learn how to connect to the unseen with ease. We’ll talk guides and ghosts, the how’s and why’s of working with your own energy (and clearing it!), increasing your skill for manifestation, and even how to see the world as your very own deck of Tarot.

Do you want to know more about your highly-tuned intuitive senses? Learn how to work with your own energy for ease, joy, and greater self-trust day to day? Tap into the limitless power of your psychic, sensitive, and empathic self? Whether you need a little direction or just some inspiration, Trust Your Magical Self will give you the tools to re-connect with your unique life path — and a magical ride to go with it!


Courtney Alex Aldor is an intuitive channel, writer, artist, and all-out Qigong nerd. When she's not dancing her way around the globe, you can find her sitting under a tree near her home in beautiful Marin County, California.


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